Vacuum Lifting Solutions for Cross-Sector Requirements

Why Your Material Handling System Is Only as Good as Your After-Sales Support

Any kind of large equipment, whether it is commercial or personal, comes at a hefty price.  That is true for material handling systems as well. In a production facility or a warehouse where material handling systems are heavily used, there is bound to be regular wear and tear of the equipment you are using. Moreover, if a large piece of equipment breaks down and you have no technical support available to help you service the equipment, you would incur huge costs. Not only would the value of that machine be depreciated to almost zero, but you would also have to incur costs disposing it and acquiring a new machine to replace the old one. This does not sound viable at all, does it?

That’s why your material handling equipment provider should give you after-sales support for any kind of equipment you’ve purchased. More often than not, a good technical support specialist can revive your equipment and keep it going in case of a breakdown. That is why your material handling system is only as good as your after-sales support. Let us find out how and why you should find a supplier that offers excellent after-sales support with your material handling equipment.


As mentioned above, a supplier that gives you good after-sales support can save you money on replacing equipment in case of breakdowns. But there’s a much more significant cost involved that all factory and warehouse managers will swear by – the downtime. Downtime can hinder your operation and eventually cost productivity, reduce output, and in some cases make you miss delivery deadlines. All of this can cost your business money and plenty of it, at that. Therefore, make sure you are covered by your supplier in terms of service, maintenance and after-sales support for your material handling equipment.

Hassle-free operation

You don’t want the hassle of finding a good service provider, finding or ordering spare parts, and repairing your own machinery. Like it’s been said, that can be expensive and time-consuming.

If you have a single point of contact to cater to all the needs of your material handling equipment, you have a hassle-free experience and run your operation smoothly. Therefore, it is best that your supplier provides after-sales support for issues that might arise. Moreover, they can provide operator training for your employees for proper care and maintenance of the equipment.

Conco, being one of the oldest material handling suppliers in the industry, makes sure each customer has a smooth experience right from enquiring to installation to after-sales support of our products.